Spring is now here, and the sunnier days mean flowers like roses and hydrangeas are growing again. However, they can struggle to bloom if they do not have the right nutrients. Roses and hydrangeas are usually easy to care for but are heavy feeders, and if they are not fertilised, it can impact their growth, resulting in weaker and smaller flowers.
However, you do not need to spend money on pricy store-bought plant feeds as it turns out there is a simple item likely already in your bathroom that can give flowers a boost. Courtenay Hartford, a gardener and founder of Creek Line House has shared that Epsom salts, which are usually used as a bath soak, will give roses a massive boost.
She said: “I’d heard about using Epsom salt for roses in the past, so I decided to try using it on my new baby rose bushes just for fun. In general, Epsom salts are great for the health and strength of most plants, but they are also supposed to be particularly good for roses.”
It may seem bizarre, but Epsom salt is a natural mineral made up of magnesium sulfate and is not the same as the cooking salt you will find in your kitchen.
Epsom salt contains the nutrient magnesium, which is needed for photosynthesis so plants can produce energy to grow properly, and also helps plants absorb other nutrients more effectively.
Having magnesium in the soil means roses will have enough energy stored for flower production, which can lead to bigger and more vibrant flowers.
Roses benefit a lot from Epsom salt, as it not only boosts flowers but can also help other flowers like hydrangeas and other garden plants that need an energy boost, like tomato plants.
Courtenay said: “Although I personally get the most exciting results from using Epsom salt on my rose bushes, it’s also a popular solution for increasing the strength and vitality of many other plants.
“Tomato plants and peppers, as well as other blooming shrubs like hydrangeas, are common plants in the vegetable patch and garden border to feed with Epsom salt. Herbaceous plants like perennials can benefit from Epsom salt as well.”
How to use Epsom salt in your garden
All you need to do is add a little Epsom salt to your watering can and let it dissolve. You only need around one tablespoon of Epsom salt for two litres of water.
Make sure to only use a moderate amount of Epsom salt as too much magenium will create a nutrient imbalance in the soil and plants will not be able to grow properly.
Use the water with Epsom salt around the base of a rose bush (or other plant) once a month in spring and summer and it will help flower blossom.
Certain garden plants like carrots, potatoes or cucumbers can be sensitive to magnesium and can be harmed by it so be careful if your rose bushes are growing near your vegetable patch.
Courtenay said: “If you find yourself getting carried away and trying Epsom salt on many of your garden plants, just try to steer clear of beans and leafy vegetables, tropical plants, and coniferous trees, as they do not react as well to Epsom salts as other plantings do.”