The wheelie bin mistake that could land households with a huge fine

Households now can find themselves with so many bins it can be difficult to keep track of collection days.

It can leave us looking to that one neighbour who drags their wheelie bin out first. Recently these helpful folk have acquired the nickname “binfluencers” online.

And, it turns out, following the binfluencer could keep you out of trouble, reports The Mirror. Especially with the recent festive period throwing off collections dates across the country.

That is because a simple “mistake” could land you in trouble. Section 46A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 states that households can be fined for causing an “obstruction” with their bins, and councils can issue penalties if people leave them out on the pavement.

If your bin is considered to be causing an obstruction, you won’t be fined straight away. First, you’ll get a written warning explaining how you’ve broken the rules, what you need to do differently, and what will happen if you don’t follow the rules.

Anyone who ignores the warning will receive a “notice of intent”. This means they could be fined. and have 28 days to appeal the decision.

After 28 days, council enforcement officials will send out a notice with a fine amount. The maximum penalty is £80.

The best way to avoid a fine is to know the proper rules. Firstly, don’t put your bin out too early or leave it out for too long after collection.

It’s also important to avoid overfilling your bin. If the lid won’t close, it could be seen as unsightly or causing a blockage. You also need to make sure you put the right things in the correct bin, or this too could lead to a fine.

And as you begin the January clearout, it is also worth noting that some common festive items cannot be recycled. Not all wrapping paper can be taken to the recycling bin, and especially avoid foil or glitter-covered paper. If it scrunches and stays scrunched, however, it’s likely recyclable.

Christmas cards without glitter or metallic effects are usually recyclable, and make sure you break down cardboard boxes, and remove any plastic packaging or polystyrene before recycling. Batteries and old electronics shouldn’t be thrown in regular bins, so it’s best to look for your local e-waste recycling options if you aren’t already familiar with them.

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