Mice and rats are more likely to go into gardens in February as they will begin breeding more in spring, and will currently be looking for a warm nesting area to wait out the cold weather.
It is important to tackle a rodent problem before it becomes a full-blown infestation, and there is an easy way to keep them away without using cruel traps or putting poison in your garden.
The experts at Dan’s Property Services have shared that you can use a natural home remedy to keep rats or mice away that is “much safer and cheaper” than using a chemical solution.
They said: “For a simple, but effective repellent, you can use a combination of crushed pepper and vinegar. Mix the two ingredients together and spread them around the perimeter of your garden.
“This will create an unpleasant smell and taste that will deter rats from entering the garden.”
It may seem bizarre, but rodents have sensitive noses and will stay away from a garden with pungent smells as it will greatly irritate them and cause them a great deal of discomfort.
Mice and rats rely on their sense of smell to find food and communicate so the strong smell will likely confuse them.
Using crushed pepper and vinegar will also disrupt their ability to smell out predators, which can frighten them and make them more weary of entering an area.
Simply place vinegar and crushed pepper in a spray bottle and spray it around your garden borders or near entry points. You will need to apply this solution every few days or after it has rained to keep it working properly.
It is also important to note that rodents are very clever and can eventually become accustomed to the crushed pepper and vinegar solution, which is why it is important to swap the natural solution you are using every month or so.
The expert said: “You can also try using peppermint oil to deter rats and other rodents. To create a peppermint oil repellent, mix equal parts peppermint oil and water.
“Then, spray the mixture around your garden and along the walls, windows, and doorways of your house.”
However – although it may sound simple – the best way to keep both rats and mice away is to make sure you garden is always kept tidy.
Rodents will only come into gardens that have food for them to eat and lots of places to seek shelter, so if you clean out your garden it will make it unattractive for them to stay.
Make sure to also seal your bins, have a lock on your compost, and do not leave any pet food in bowls. Pick up any ripened fruit from trees and place any bird feeders up high.
The expert added: “To make your garden less appealing to rats, it is important to create an inhospitable environment. Keep the grass short and maintain a neat and tidy garden.”