A motoring expert has urged drivers to follow three simple yet surprisingly effective tips to cut their fuel bills by hundreds of pounds each year.
Whilst the average cost of petrol and diesel is staying stable, drivers are still typically paying a significant amount each time they fill up their tank.
However, Andy Turbefield, head of quality at Halfords, highlighted that there is a wide array of tips that motorists can use to improve their car’s fuel economy without drastically changing how they drive.
He said: “Many of us will be starting the year trying to find quick and easy ways to cut costs. Luckily for motorists, there are plenty of opportunities to save.
“From taking advantage of the free checks and services we offer at Halfords to shopping around for the best deals on petrol and insurance, a little effort can go a long way.”
First, Halfords recommends that drivers shop around to find the best prices in their area. A number of websites and smartphone apps allow users to see the current cost for petrol and diesel near them, with some parts of the country experiencing a huge disparity.
Whilst drivers should not travel too far to save a few pence on each litre of petrol or diesel, considering the prices at garages they pass can help them save a significant amount of money.
According to the company, drivers who shop around using a fuel price comparison service are able to save more than £200 each year, proving that regular small savings all add up.
Another way that drivers are able to improve their fuel economy is by getting rid of excess weight in the boot of their vehicle.
Whilst most drivers like to feel prepared for any situation they encounter, many carry a wide range of items that they are unlikely to use on short journeys such as commuting to work or visiting the supermarket.
As a result, cleaning the boot and other storage spaces inside the vehicle regularly can help to reduce the weight the engine needs to carry, therefore increasing fuel economy by around 2% – enough to save drivers an average of £185 per year.
Finally, Halfords urged all drivers to keep their tyres in check by regularly topping them up in a bid to improve fuel economy and help to keep them safe.
Over time, air can easily escape from tyres, resulting in more rubber coming into contact with the road. In addition to worsening handling and potentially resulting in a high-speed blowout, this means that fuel consumption can increase by an average of £249 per year.
As a result, drivers who spend a couple of minutes each week making sure that the tyres are topped up to the manufacturer’s recommended levels can help to save a significant amount of money.