When it comes to making poached eggs, the method seems like it should be really simple, but the outcome doesn’t always testify to that. There are so many tips and tricks out there on how to make the best-poached eggs, but with this recipe from Celebrity Chef Jamie Oliver, you’re bound to get it right the next time round. Jamie’s recipe notes that “perfect poached eggs are a real joy, and easier than you think to get right.”
Sometimes, simple is more effective, and one thing about this recipe that will leave you with poached eggs, which are “totally delicious” and “soft in the middle”, is most definitely simple.
The first step is to fill a pan halfway with boiling salted water, bringing it to a light simmer over a medium heat.
Next, you’ll want to crack one of the eggs into a cup and gently pour it into the water in one fluid movement. Repeat this step with the rest of the eggs and you’ll see them begin to cook straight way. Jamie says not to worry “if the edges look a little scruffy.”
He also noted that the cooking time of the poached eggs really depends on the pan used, however, a “really soft” poached egg should take around two minutes and a soft to firm one will need four minutes.
The size of the eggs you’re using as well as whether they’ve come straight from the fridge or not, will also affect the cooking time.
To know whether your eggs are done, the chef suggests removing one “carefully” from the pan with a slotted spoon and giving it a gentle push with a teaspoon.
If the egg feels too soft, go ahead and pop it back into the water, giving it one or two minutes to firm up. Once they’re ready, remove the eggs and, using some kitchen paper, dry them off, and voila, they’re all ready to enjoy.
Jamie’s method suggests serving them with buttered toast and a sprinkle of sea salt and black pepper, which doesn’t sound any better.