A certain seed that can be incorporated into a variety of dishes could aid in fortifying your bones and potentially ward off conditions such as osteoporosis.
Sesame seeds, derived from the sesame plant, are widely accessible and packed with nutrients. These potent seeds boast numerous health benefits due to their rich content of vitamins and minerals, and they could play a crucial role in maintaining bone health.
These seeds are an excellent source of Vitamin B6 and magnesium, both of which are essential for maintaining normal bodily functions, including brain health and immune system function. However, one key mineral found in abundance in these tiny seeds is calcium.
100 grams of sesame seeds can provide up to 96% of the body’s daily calcium requirement. According to NHS guidelines, this mineral is vital for maintaining healthy bones and teeth, regulating muscle contractions, ensuring a healthy heartbeat, and facilitating normal blood clotting.
The guidelines also indicate that adults aged 19 to 64 and above require an average of 700mg of calcium per day. A lack of sufficient calcium in the body can lead to a host of health issues, primarily osteoporosis and rickets.
Osteoporosis is a condition characterised by weak bones, making them more prone to fractures and breaks. The worst part is that it can be difficult to detect this condition until it’s too late, as it develops gradually over several years and is often only diagnosed when an individual experiences an incident resulting in a bone break.
As a result, individuals with osteoporosis are at a higher risk of sustaining injuries such as broken wrists, hip fractures, and even fractured vertebrae.
In severe cases, something as minor as a cough or sneeze can lead to a broken bone for those suffering from this condition.
The good news is that in most instances, osteoporosis can be prevented by ensuring an adequate intake of calcium through diet. Consuming foods and beverages rich in calcium is key, and sesame seeds offer an easy way to boost your calcium intake as they can be effortlessly added to a variety of meals.
One study from the National Library of Medicine highlighted the health benefits of sesame seeds, attributing their positive effects to their high content of calcium, proteins, vitamins, oil, and carbohydrates which aid in managing bone-related conditions.
Indeed, a review focusing on postmenopausal women with osteoporosis who consumed sesame seeds reported a positive impact on their bone health. Sesame seeds can be used in a wide array of dishes as a garnish and can be consumed raw, toasted, or baked.
For instance, you could sprinkle them on homemade bread or use them as a garnish for a noodle dish. Comprehensive information about calcium and its crucial role in the body can be found on the NHS website here.