‘Kill off patio moss’ naturally and without scrubbing using cleaner’s excellent method

Moss is a problem for many homeowners because it’s difficult to remove and grows back easily on patios. 

This nasty growth thrives in warm, moist environments and can quickly grow out of control if not addressed quickly.

To tackle it, resident cleaning expert at Homeaglow Aaron Christensen, has shared his best advice.

Ideally, he recommends that households maintain their patio by sweeping any stray mulch, leaves or grime that could cause moss to grow. 

Or, when households see any new moss, use a hard bristle brush to dislodge it before it becomes an issue and to save them a day of scrubbing.

However, for those a bit further down the line, and dealing with more than a simple sweep-up, Aaron first recommends trying boiling water and dish soap. 

He said: “Boiling water and dish soap is a gentle and eco-friendly combo to remove the moss.”

To do so, pour boiling water with a squirt of dish soap onto the patio and scrub with a stiff broom.

The expert added: “The water-soap combo should create enough lubrication to remove any mossy layer sitting on your patio.”

Another “excellent option”, the cleaner “really likes” is using a steam cleaner on the patio. 

Aaron said: “It is eco-friendly and simply uses the high steam temperatures to kill off the patio moss.”

However, the thing to remember when using this technique is that moss loves damp. So drying off the patio is important once you’ve finished. 

Otherwise, it’s worth saving patio cleaning for a nice sunny day (if possible), as it will dry the surface up nicely and do some of the work for you.

While Aaron argued that the “most powerful approach” is to use bleach, this is really toxic for you and the garden.

If the above methods don’t seem to be working, bleach should be used as a last resort. The “best way” to use it is to mix it with 10 parts water and spray apply to the mossy area. 

Leave it alone for 15 minutes after spraying before scrubbing it with a hard bristle brush and washing it off with clean water.

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