Keir Starmer’s Government is sinking, his approval ratings are plummeting, and his policies are failing the British people.
But instead of facing up to his domestic disasters, Starmer has a different plan — a plan that will betray the very foundation of our democracy. Mark my words: in two to three years, Labour will attempt to drag Britain back into the European Union.
This is not a baseless prediction. The signs are all around us. Starmer is already aligning the UK with EU regulations, eroding our sovereignty bit by bit. He knows that calling for an outright reversal of Brexit today would be political suicide.
Instead, he is laying the groundwork, slowly but surely, for an eventual return to Brussels’ control.
We’ve seen this tactic before. Labour is attempting to soften the public up, waiting for the right moment to strike. When the next general election comes, Starmer will frame it as a choice between ‘rejoining the EU’ or ‘economic ruin’ — a fabricated narrative designed to pressure voters into surrendering our hard-won independence.
The sheer hypocrisy is astounding. Starmer, who once claimed he would ‘make Brexit work,’ is now doing everything possible to ensure it fails. Instead of capitalising on the opportunities Brexit presents, he is deliberately keeping Britain shackled to the EU’s orbit. His government’s every move reeks of subservience — from mirroring Brussels’ regulatory framework to prioritising talks with EU bureaucrats over forging strong global alliances.
Why did Starmer head to Brussels instead of Washington earlier this week? Why is he obsessed with integrating Britain back into the EU’s structures instead of championing British interests on the world stage? The answer is clear : Labour never accepted Brexit. They see it as a mistake to be ‘corrected,’ not a democratic decision to be respected.
This isn’t leadership, it’s surrender. Starmer is selling out Britain’s independence in slow motion, hoping the public won’t notice until it’s too late. This is not just a betrayal of Brexit voters; it’s a betrayal of the nation itself.
Labour wants you to believe that Brexit has failed. But it’s a huge lie. The reality is that Brexit has never been fully implemented. The problem is not leaving the EU — the problem is weak leadership that lacks the courage or political will to embrace the freedoms Brexit provides.
Starmer is not interested in making Britain a powerhouse; he is only interested in crawling back to Brussels and begging for readmission.
The British people must not be fooled. We cannot allow Starmer to turn the next election into a second referendum by stealth.
We must demand real leadership — leadership that believes in Britain’s future outside the EU, not one that seeks to drag us back into the bureaucratic nightmare we fought so hard to escape.
The fight for Brexit is far from over. If we don’t act now, Starmer will hand our sovereignty back to Brussels on a silver platter. And once it’s gone, we may never get it back.
Britain must stand firm. Starmer must be stopped.
Richard Thomson stood for Reform UK in Braintree in the 2024 General Election and served as a Royal Marine for eight years