As the winter weather rumbles on, spiders can often be found hiding inside, seeking warmth and shelter from the cold and rain.
While most spiders tend to be less active during the winter months, they can still sneak into our homes looking to hide in dark corners or behind furniture to keep nice and warm.
At this time of year they are likely to do nothing more than sleep until the spring time, but they can still cause a shock when disturbed.
Spiders play a vital role in controlling household pests and are an important part of our eco system but, to be fair, many Brits would rather they did it from a distance.
Luckily for us, a pest control expert has shared an unusual but effective way to keep eight-legged interlopers at bay, even in the winter.
Joshua Houston, a pest control expert from WhatCost, has revealed an effective household remedy using a commonplace vegetable that spiders just can’t stand.
He said: “To keep spiders out of your home, one unorthodox solution is using onions. Slice up some onions and place them in a bowl filled with water.”
Houston added: “Then place the bowl in the area where you are having spider problems, and the smell should keep them away.”
The expert also suggests that it’s an eco-friendly way to keep pests at bay. He said: “This tip encourages people to reuse what they already have, which is a great way to reduce waste, and their carbon footprint.”
Better still, onions are cheap and easily available with a single brown onion currently priced at just 11p from Tesco.
While there’s no scientific evidence to confirm that spiders actively hate onions, onion-based remedies have been used for many years to deter them.
Not only is the smell believed to be unpleasant to arachnids, the scent could also disrupt their natural behaviour or navigation.
Other natural household rememdies that may deter pests include:
- Coffee grounds – these can be spread in garden areas and home cracks to deter pests while recycling your leftover coffee.
- White vinegar – mix with water and peppermint oil to remove ant trails and stop further invasions.
- Soap – use liquid soap and water to treat pests like beetles, whiteflies, and aphids by blocking their breathing pores.
- Salt – eliminate fleas by sprinkling it over carpets or furniture, allowing it to dehydrate fleas and their eggs before vacuuming it up.