How to unblock a drain: Plumber explains 'proper way' to clear your pipes

How to unblock a sink drain

“Here’s the proper way to clear a clog,” he said. He said you only need a medium-sized pair of Channel Locks and a Turbo Snake.

“I use the turbo snake at my job every single day. A straightened-out coat hanger will likely work just as well. It’s easy enough,” he said.

He instructed homeowners to run the Turbo Snake down and try to pull out the hair or grease clog.

If that fails to do it, use the Channel Locks to remove the bottom of the p trap.

Make sure you have a small bucket under the pipe and some rags handy. 90 percent of the time the clog resides in there and is simple to clear with it’s removed.

If the clog is further down the line you may want to call a plumber.

The helpful plumber added: “Bonus, if you’ve ever dropped your ring down the sink, it is almost certainly in the p trap, and a hell of a lot easier to get with it pulled.”

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