Five ‘easiest’ to grow vegetables to plant in March – needs minimal effort and grows fast

Vegetable gardeners can start planting a wider range of produce in March with this month kicking off spring.

During this time of the year, the risk of frost is minimal, making it the perfect time to start planting some vegetable crops.

However, some vegetables can be a hassle to plant. With this in mind, gardener Lindsey Chastain from the homesteading blog The Waddle and Cluck, has shared the easiest vegetables to plant in March.

She explained that March is the perfect time to start planting some hardy vegetables that can withstand the still somewhat cool temperatures. 

Some of the “easiest options” to try first are peas, spinach, lettuce, radish, and potatoes.

1. Peas

Peas are a great early crop to grow as they actually prefer the cooler weather. 

Simply sow pea seeds directly into prepared garden beds, spacing them about two inches apart and one inch deep. 

Make sure they receive plenty of sunlight. Add some trellising for them to climb up as they grow.

2. Spinach 

Spinach also thrives in cooler weather and richer soil. Sow spinach seeds in rows, patting down lightly to ensure good contact with the soil and then cover lightly with about a quarter inch of soil.

Space rows about six inches apart. According to Lindsey, spinach “grows rapidly”, so gardeners need to be ready to start harvesting leaves after a few weeks.

3. Lettuce 

Lettuce can be grown from seed or from transplanting. Sow seeds directly into soil in rows 12 inches apart. 

Cover seeds lightly with a quarter inch of fine soil. Or, set out lettuce transplants at the same depth, spacing them eight to 12 inches apart. Keep soil moist for “best growth”.

4. Radishes

Radishes are “very easy to grow”. Simply sow seeds about half an inch deep and one inch apart in rows 12 inches apart.

Keep soil moist for “quick germination and growth”. You’ll find that radishes will be ready to harvest in just three to four weeks.

5. Potatoes 

Mid-March is a good time to plant early potato varieties if the soil can be worked. 

Dig trenches six inches deep and space potato pieces 12 inches apart in the trenches. 

Cover pieces with four inches of soil initially, and continue adding soil as plants grow.

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