A motoring expert has urged drivers to make one check before using a certain accessory behind the wheel to prevent being liable for a huge fine.
With the UK recently experiencing a spell of good weather, many drivers think that now is the perfect time to wear a pair of sunglasses when taking to the roads.
Whilst the accessory can be particularly useful at keeping motorists safe behind the wheel, Charlotte Adams from the breakdown cover provider ALA urged drivers to check they have an appropriate pair.
She warned: “Not all sunglasses are created equal when it comes to driving. Category 4 sunglasses, designed for extreme sunlight, are too dark and illegal for road use.
“If your shades are too tinted and impair your vision, you could face a fine of up to £5,000 for careless driving.”
All sunglasses sold in the UK are given a rating based on how tinted their lenses are, with Category 4 level sunglasses letting just three to eight percent of light through.
As a result, wearing them behind the wheel could result in drivers being unable to spot sudden scenarios in time, increasing the risk of causing accidents with surrounding road users.
Motorists caught wearing Category 4 sunglasses on the move could face a range of different penalties, with a maximum fine of £5,000 if the eyewear resulted in dangerous driving.
Nevertheless, Charlotte reassured drivers that they can wear the vast majority of sunglasses on the roads, warning that they could also be fined for not wearing them.
She continued: “If you’re dazzled by the sun and fail to take precautions, like wearing appropriate sunglasses or using your sun visor, you could be hit with a £1,000 fine and three points on your licence for ‘driving without due care and attention’ and breaking rule 237 of The Highway Code.”
Drivers can face a similar penalty for wearing sunglasses in inappropriate motoring conditions, such as when travelling through a long tunnel or at night.